Das Österreichische Umweltzeichen - Green Meetings

Zertifikat No. 149255

Für das Meeting "International Symposium on Deployment of Floating Nuclear Power Plants" des Veranstalters IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency.
Datum der Veranstaltung14.11.2023-15.11.2023

The purpose of the event is to explore and discuss the potential deployment of floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs) to enhance the contribution of nuclear energy to achieving net zero carbon emissions. It will focus on different aspects of FNPPs, ranging from their national deployment in territorial waters to more challenging applications that require the transport of fuelled FNPPs to other countries or their deployment in international waters.


Das oben genannte "Green Meeting" wurde von Wiener Tourismusverband - Vienna Convention Bureau lizenziert und entspricht den Kriterien des Österreichischen Umweltzeichens UZ62 für "Green Meetings und Green Events".

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