Das Österreichische Umweltzeichen - Green Meetings

Zertifikat No. 149592

Für das Meeting "International Conference on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, Decommissioning, and Environmental Protection and Remediation: Ensuring Safety and Enabling Sustainability" des Veranstalters IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency.
Datum der Veranstaltung06.11.2023-10.11.2023
Veranstaltungsort1400 Wien

The purpose of the event is to provide a forum for fostering the exchange of information, experiences, and anticipated future developments in the interrelationships between safety and sustainable development in radioactive waste management (including spent fuel management), decommissioning, and environmental protection and remediation by bringing together the safety and sustainable development communities. The event will highlight the existing interrelationships between safety and sustainability and consider how these can be further addressed in an integrated way.


Das oben genannte "Green Meeting" wurde von Wiener Tourismusverband - Vienna Convention Bureau lizenziert und entspricht den Kriterien des Österreichischen Umweltzeichens UZ62 für "Green Meetings und Green Events".

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