Das Österreichische Umweltzeichen - Green Meetings

Zertifikat No. 149743

Für das Meeting "UNITE! Dialogue" des Veranstalters Technische Universität Graz - International Office – Welcome Center.
Datum der Veranstaltung26.02.2024-28.02.2024

The IX Unite! Dialogue will bring together representatives from all nine Unite! partner universities in Graz, Austria’s second largest city and home to Graz University of Technology. Faculty, staff, students, and decision-makers will come together to network, collaborate and discuss the sustainable future of the European University.

The theme "Think beyond: Unite! For Collective and Sustainable Impact" points out the forward-looking approach within the Unite! alliance, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts for a sustainable impact in European education, research & innovation. It encourages the community to explore innovative solutions, foster collective thinking, and work together to address challenges, contributing to a lasting positive impact on the higher educational landscape, research & innovation and society as a whole.


Das oben genannte "Green Meeting" wurde von ecoversum - netzwerk für nachhaltiges wirtschaften lizenziert und entspricht den Kriterien des Österreichischen Umweltzeichens UZ62 für "Green Meetings und Green Events".

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