Das Österreichische Umweltzeichen

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen
Green Meetings & Green Events

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie

Details zu Event No. s34bAOT6R9

Climate Kirtag 2020

Veranstaltet von: The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative



brainbows informationsmanagement gmbh

Köllnerhofgasse 6/3/10
1010 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 796 54 44
Fax.: +43 1 796 54 44-85
Email: office@brainbows.com

brainbows informationsmanagement gmbh

95 andere Meetings/Events dieses Lizenznehmers anzeigen
Benutzerbewertung des Veranstalters:
3.5 von 4 möglichen Punkten (n=124)
Kommunikation - 3.5 (n=422)

"Less talk - more action!" Since the launch of the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT in 2017, Arnold Schwarzenegger has focused his energy on getting as many people as possible enthusiastic about active climate protection. More awareness, more attention for quick action and the identification and implementation of concrete solutions - these are his goals. Because: We are all part of this movement, we are all ´Climate Action Heroes´!

Therefore, after the annual conference AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT the Climate Kirtag, our outdoor environmental ralley, will take place again. More than 10,000 people attended this event last year, listened to famous Austrian musicians while being informed about climate protection issues. On the 17th of September Vienna´s Heldenplatz will turn into a fairground for climate action once again.

The Climate Kirtag will take place from 1:30pm until 9pm with free entrance for all. From around 5pm you will be able to see Arnold Schwarzenegger and his special guests and musicians live on stage. At the many different Kirtag stands there will be lots of information about climate protection issues, solutions and projects. Also in culinary terms your thirst and hunger will be taken care of.

Dauer des Events

1 Tage
Zielland: Österreich

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