Das Österreichische Umweltzeichen

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen
Green Meetings & Green Events

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie

Details zu Meeting No. uFUoQTL56B

EBSCON (Electronic Based Systems Conference)

Veranstaltet von: Silicon Alps Cluster GmbH


Congress Graz

ecoversum - netzwerk für nachhaltiges wirtschaften

Kindergartenplatz 2
8403 Lebring

Tel.: +43 664 231 86 26
Email: office@ecoversum.at

ecoversum - netzwerk für nachhaltiges wirtschaften

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Benutzerbewertung des Veranstalters:
3.6 von 4 möglichen Punkten (n=106)

Join us on a journey of discovery through the world of microelectronics on October 2nd! Be inspired by this year's EBS Conference! Under the motto EBSCON4Curiosity, we invite you to an exciting all-day event where we want to look far beyond microelectronics and awaken the spirit of discovery in us.

Our aim is to inspire young pioneers in particular for our industry. That's why we offer interactive BarCamps focussing on mobility/automotive, chemistry/materials and the promotion of young pioneers (students, pupils). Expect around 300 participants from Austria and all over the world! In order to build an international bridge, the event will be held in English.

SILICON ALPS, as the proud organiser of EBSCON, is the central cluster organisation for high-tech & microelectronics in the south of Austria. Our mission is to strengthen national and international networks, increase the visibility of our region and provide new impulses for co-operations and projects.

Be curious - we look forward to meeting you!

Dauer des Meetings

1 Tage
Zielland: Österreich

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