Das Österreichische Umweltzeichen

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen
Green Meetings & Green Events

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie

Details zu Meeting No. 51sbIWPrSX

The United Nations Global South-South Development Expo 2012

Veranstaltet von: UNIDO


Hofburg Vienna

Wiener Tourismusverband - Vienna Convention Bureau

Invalidenstraße 6
1030 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 211 14-555
Email: convention@vienna.info

Wiener Tourismusverband - Vienna Convention Bureau

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Benutzerbewertung des Veranstalters:
3.7 von 4 möglichen Punkten (n=26)

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in close coordination with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, is hosting the Global South-South Development (GSSD) Expo 2012 on the theme of “Energy and Climate Change: Inclusive Partnerships for Sustainable Development” in the Hofburg in Vienna (Austria) from 19 to 23 November 2012.

The Expo aims at providing a platform for government executives to showcase the results and impact of its national policies in the area of energy and climate change; to share experiences with counterparts regarding practical implications of new energy and climate change policies; to transfer forward-thinking Southern development solutions including valuable impetus, ideas and means for all Southern countries; to explore potential cooperation in the subject area and build new collaborative relationships with the private sector and international agencies.

Dauer des Meetings

5 Tage
Zielland: Österreich

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